Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rosarito, Mexico

We arrived in Mexico on Sunday, July 5, 2015. As we got on what they call highways (it looks like a street), there was a long line of cars, with there emergency lights flashing. They were following close together. Eric informs me that it is a funeral procession. If you go between the cars in the procession it is considered rude. Instead, you have to find the Hurst leading the group, and then cross in front of it. After making our way across the highway, in front of the Hurst, we headed down to where we will be staying for the next 4 weeks: Rosarito
Rosarito is a coastal town, just 1 hour south of San Diego. A lot of Californians come here to vacation. Apparently the beer is cheap :)

It is a colorful city, full of items for the tourists who visit. One of these items is food!
 The food here is SO good. It is made fresh and tastes like it! I had a goat taco the other day. Although Eric didn't tell me it was goat until after I ate it, it still didn't change my opinion about it. In this picture, I am eating a tamale made by the caretaker's mother-in-law.
Eric wanted to commemorate my first shopping experience. Here I am at the local Walmart. Everything is marked as being very expensive; $15 for a cucumber. When it reality it means pesos. The exchange rate is $15 Mexican pesos= $1.00 american dollar. They even use the dollar sign for their pesos. I think that is what throws me off. When the cashier rang up our purchase, it reflected $855.00!!! In reality though, it was only $54.00 dollars. I have to get used to that.

Well, the best part about this is experience is being back with Eric. Two months was too long! But I am so grateful to be here with him.


  1. Wow Dems that tamale looks delicious. So glad you are enjoying things down thereWish I could come see it for myself ;)

  2. Sounds great- we are all very jealous!
